Monday, November 14, 2011

Think Before You Drink!

Clearly, driving drunk is not the way to drive. The poster definitely emphasizes the fact that it is not a good idea to drink and drive. If you look closely at the poster, the man is halved. One side of him is him parting and having a blast at a party with a pint of beer. However, the other side of him is him as a surgeon or maybe a patient with a pint of blood he might need if he gets into a severe car crash while at a party and he got drunk at.
In my opinion, I agree with this poster two hundred percent. Having fun at a party or get together is fine, however, do it responsibly and always have a designated driver. For example, have someone ready to drive you when you want to go somewhere or go home yet, they cannot be drunk as well. Another way you can go home without driving drunk is to call a cab. Getting a DUI is horrible. You could go to jail and have to deal with a ton of police. Or, you could have just called an available friend or cab.

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