Monday, November 21, 2011

Don't be One of the Twelve, Learn How Now!

Stalking is a series of actions that puts a person in fear for their safety. Stalkers will find you and follow you. Sometimes they will stalk you online with social networks such as Facebook, or they might call you, or even follow you places, even to your home or dorm. Like the picture above says, one out of twelve college women are stalked on facebook. Stalking can lead into more dangerous actions. For example, they can start feeling comfortable enough to actually hurt you. The first way you could prevent a stalker is if you do have a Facebook, put your profile and everything else about you on private. If that doesn’t work then your second advice is tell someone that could help. There are people all over that will help you. Even if you have the slightest fear, tell someone before it’s too late.
Stalking has got more popular over the years with how easy it is to stalk now in days. As I said before Facebook in my opinion is the easiest way to stalk someone. People aren’t always the smartest and give out too much information. With that information stalkers use it to their own advantage. For example, you can give out your cell phone number and address. On campus I think it would be an awesome idea to do a Facebook aware party in January, stalking awareness month, to tell people how powerful stalking really is and how they can do their part to stop it by not giving out too much information. I am on the board of RHA and we set up parties and give ideas to other buildings and I will defiantly tell them about this idea.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful job on the summary and response to the serious problem of stalking.
