Monday, November 28, 2011

Reaching for my Stars!

Deciding your “Big Five for Life” could be a tricky decision. However, for mine I’ve known for a while. I knew what my first “Big Five for Life” was when I was only six years old. I knew by first grade that I wanted to be a teacher. Since then I’ve done everything in my power to achieve that goal. My next “Big Five for Life” would have to be to get married. Then I would want my husband and me to travel the world. But, I wouldn’t want to travel the world just by plane; I would want to travel by as many different types of transportation as possible. My fourth “Big Five for Life” would be to have children. And finally I would want to have all my children live successful lives in whatever “success” will mean for each of them. I hope that none of my “Big Five for Life” will change when I get older, since I’m so close to achieve my first “Big Five for Life.”

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