Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Everyone Loves Fruit Juice!

The following is a comparison-contrast of two commercial: Commercial one is Motts Apple juice and commercial two is Ocean Spray juice. They are selling the same product which is juice, but they both have their own way of selling it to their audience. To compare them, Motts and Ocean Spray are both set out doors, and both have a motto. Motts is “Ready, Set, Grow” and Ocean Spray is “Grower Owned since 1930”.
However, to contrast them, Motts is selling to moms for their tots, when Ocean Spray is selling to everyone. Motts is semi-serious when they tell their audience that Motts is there for their children every set of the way, and explains that everyone as a child drinks Motts. On the other hand, Ocean Spray is humorous when they explain what they put in their juice and how their audience should buy their produce. Then again, Motts has a catchy song playing in the background the whole time the commercial is playing which makes their audience remember that commercial. Above all, Motts and Ocean Spray are both juice sellers and just want their audience to buy their product.

Motts Commercial ~

Ocean Spray Commercial ~

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on this post. Did you know that you can embed these YouTube videos using the embed code and the HTML button?
