Monday, September 19, 2011

Weather at its Saddest.

Static electricity is at its peak, and your hair is hardly able to contain itself. Clouds up above are rolling throughout the entire sky, just hovering. You can feel that this will be a frightening storm. How the air is so thick, and soaked with moister. How it smells like rain. Yonder, the rain is beginning to run towards you, like a whole football team running to tackle you for the ball. Here it is! The temperamental rain is all around you randomly caressing you. Time is the only cure for this storm to pass, the sadness will end soon.  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome description of the storm and its comparison to a sad time. Your fragments work in this description, so I won't suggest that you correct them. However, please correct the comma splice problem in the last sentence. You need a period rather than a comma.
